Monday, March 12, 2012

On the road again

Let's take a road trip.

Really. You and me. Let's rent a car and see what there is to see.

Maybe we'll see this...

And if you haven't grown tired with the Mexican sitting next you, well, we can stop and see this...

Or, you know, maybe we can talk about stuff. Like things you like. Things you don't like. Maybe we can talk about the things you believe, and why you believe them. I'm not saying we get all Good Will Hunting  and start crying and hugging... well maybe some hugging might not be bad.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that in this day and age of mass communication, we seem to be saying less and less to each other. Our "conversations" with people happen in 140 characters or less. We "like" the things we do on Facebook.

I can count on my hands, the number of people that I have meaningful conversations with. I'm not blaming you.

 No, it's not you, it's me.

Well... maybe it's a little bit you.

But, it's a little me too.

All I'm saying.. is, lets talk to each other. Without our cell phones in hand. Without the "uh huh's" as we text, and twitter and instagram.

Let's buy disposable cameras.  Let's save the fun on a damn kodak funsaver.

And hey..when we are done... maybe we'll have ended up here..

And we can sing a medley to each other from the top.

*for some more cool roadside attraction photo's, Check out abc news' site  it's where I got these.*

1 comment:

  1. Dear friend,

    I heart you and I miss you and I was inspired by your last two posts to tell you so.

    Glad I found your blog. Please keep updating.

    <3 tash
